Reaping a bountiful harvest via collaborations with Chinese diaspora merchants in OBOR (中华梦. 丝路东盟行" 的纪实概述)

Reaping a bountiful harvest via collaborations with Chinese diaspora merchants in OBOR (中华梦. 丝路东盟行" 的纪实概述)

KUALA LUMPUR (October 2017): This blog posting is a flashback featuring this year’s activity highlights of the Malaysia-China Silk Road Business Chamber.

I Love Malaysia-China Silk Road wishes to thank chamber president (Tan Sri) Ong Tee Keat for providing the text and visuals to share and enlighten investors and Asian countries.

Ong said: “We hope, by sharing our activities and information, trans-border joint-ventures can be forged to promote customs, cultural, business and economic opportunities.

“The One Belt One Road (OBOR) initiative is China’s multi-billion-dollar ambitious venture to help promote this region (Asia and Europe).

“We should, therefore, try and keep ourselves well informed of OBOR-related developments. This may perhaps alert us of the opportunities that arise,” he added.

Here’s the flashback in Chinese and English:

中华梦. 丝路东盟行" 的纪实概述

文/ 马来西亚中国丝路商会

2017年5月13日假马来西亚吉隆坡市天后宫隆重掀开序幕的" 中华梦. 丝路东盟行" , 见证了" 中国梦. 环球行" 这一项纯由大陆民间团体自发发动的爱国壯举,继英美俄等国之行后,走进了东盟地区。它也同时见证了联办暨统筹単位之一的马来西亚中国丝路商会,在同一平台上进行的首屆理事就职典礼,暨与海内外多个商协会的签约结盟仪式。
这次的 " 中华梦. 丝路东盟行" 涵盖了东盟的其中五国,即: 马来西亚、老挝、柬埔寨、印度尼西亚与泰国。它藉活动之便,既已成功串连了东盟五国的华裔承办单位,也同多个中外商协会建立了友谊,堪称是一次难得的海內外华夏同胞大联通。确切的说,东盟五国、两岸四地暨北美地区的文商交融,由此开始。
舞台的演出部分,节目缤纷,予现场千人观众目不睱给。其综合性的演绎方式,概括了"琴曲书画诗词"的元素,更融入了" 中华复兴梦" 与" 一带一路" 的时代号召,堪称是吉隆坡市多年一遇的中华文化飨宴。
汇演艺术团全员忘情的演绎; 主办、协办、承办多方的多月辛劳付出,吹响了今次马来西亚站的序幕号角,也成就了整个历时两周的五国巡回汇演。

THE BELT-ROAD DREAM QUEST IN ASEAN" co-star hosted by The Malaysia-China Silk Road Business Chamber.



马来西亚中国丝路商会总会长翁诗杰(丹斯里勋爵, 原国会副议长,原部长)表示,该会于过去一年间已成功和中国及海外多个国家与地区的商协会串联及对接,为成就"一带一路" 战略,而全面启动了海外地区华裔民间商团的组织,奠立了全球华侨华人企业家相互联系及紧密合作的基础。

他是于5月13日晚在“中华梦.丝路东盟行”五国巡回汇演的首站---吉隆坡站的汇演开幕式上,作如是称。在欢迎来自两岸四地(即: 陆、台、港、澳)的嘉宾之余,他称誉是晚的汇演展现了华夏民族的文化智慧,更为海内外的炎黄子孙,提供一个难得的交融平台。

这项巡回汇演继马来西亚之后,將续程巡访老挝、柬埔寨、印度尼西亚与泰国等国。这活动源自于“中国梦-----环球行”,由中国文化赞保护研究院麾下的中国鬼谷子文化发展委员会发起,旨在加强中国与世界各国人民的传统友谊及文化交流,乃中国第一支由民间自发组成的公益演讲团,一行30人等,由中国国学院 副院长翟杰 教授( 博士生导师)率领,已在过去3年完成了美国行(2014年5月);欧洲行(2015年5月)及 俄国行(2016年5月)。预计在此行之后,还有南美行、非洲行、澳洲行等。







The GLOBE TROTTERS is a first ever self-sponsored non-governmental group comprising an entourage of 50 distinguished artists, social activists, orators and entrepreneurs from China , who serve as messengers for fostering peace and understanding through cultural interaction. It is a non-profit oriented globe-trotting initiative borne in response to the China Dream call.

It made its debut visit in June 2014 with the United States as its inaugural destination, covering such cities as Los Angeles, New York, Washington DC and Boston. Six sessions of public lecture delivery had consecutively been conducted at Harvard University, University of California, War Memorial of Vietnam Conflict and the foyer of the United Nations.

In May 2015, the Group further set foot on the United Kingdom, France, Italy, Switzerland and Vatican. Its cultural interaction and public lectures had separately been presented in such renowned universities as Cambridge and Oxford in the United Kingdom.

The following year witnessed a momentous season of visit to Russia in the month of May. New Siberia, Moscow and St. Petersburg marked the key destinations of the year with landmark activities conducted in universities at Moscow and St. Petersburg.

The myriad activities that had been well prepared to fill the agenda for the visitations include elements of history, culture, music, art and calligraphy, mannerisms, healthcare and tea art that constitute part of the wide spectrum of Chinese Culture.

The entourage consists of distinguished and knowledgeable orators from 24 provinces on Mainland China as well as the Special Administrative Regions of Hong Kong and Macau. Their exemplary oratory presentation had been attracting public eyeballs in addition to drawing commendable regards from numerous local and China-based media. More than 100 media, both overseas and domestic, including the state-owned China People's Broadcasting Corporation, had been granting the gamut of activities with generous coverage.

Now that 2017 is earmarked as the Year For Visiting ASEAN. The Globe Trotters Group is now all set to visit the following 4 ASEAN member states in a row, namely Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand and Cambodia, with an added dimension of economics for mutual-interaction. It is anticipated that local NGOs, Guilds and Associations, entrepreneurs and community leaders would constitute the main bulk of the invitees. Contents of the activities would center around the heritage of Chinese Cultures and good neighbourliness in the region, devoid of such sensitivities as race and religion.

